
  • Fascia, also referred to as connective tissue, is the white shiny stuff that is wrapped around our entire body holding us together so our organs, tendons, bones, guts, muscles and everything else stay in tact. Imagine an orange, you peel the orange and you get this white pulpy stuff on the orange but it’s also on the underside of the orange peel. You look a little harder and the white stuff is wrapped around each orange slice, and then you look into the orange slice and the white stuff is wrapped around each little orange fiber. This white stuff is amazing it holds the orange together and you can’t separate it from the orange without turning it into OJ. The white stuff gives the orange its round shape. Just like our fascia! Fascia is wrapped around each muscle fiber, each muscle, then each muscle group, it turns into the ligaments and tendons and eventually into the bone. Fascia is what holds us together and creates our shape.

    **Photo credit: body world exhibit. This human model is carrying their skin, it’s an organ in the body weighing 12-16% of a human’s total body weight. Note fascia accounts for 20% of our body weight and is considered the largest organ

Body World exhibit


Different fascial layers. The fascia is what keeps us upright, more so than the bones!